I need your help for this problem : JV16 Power tools stop without message.
Registery cleaning, analysing.
The program is registered, it's the last version (
Computer is an IBM Thinkpad A30P, Win XP Pro SP2, all security update made, security by kerio personnal firewall and virus detection by avast antivirus.
The problem is know from 2 days, before this time, the program run without problem.
No change one this computer, only supression of 2 programs = adobe acrobat 8 pro and Microsft Office One Note. I want to clean the registry after unstalling software...
JV16 start, cleaning program start and....... 2 hours laters.... a night later.... no response from process...
After reinstallation of JV16 = same problem...
If you have a solution.... thanks for your help.