jv16 wrotetullik wrote
If the API returns a reason code, will that be included in the message ... ?
Yes, the API always returns a status code. If everything works out, it returns 0, if it returns anything else the returned code is the error code. This error code is displayed in PT 2007 starting from Beta2.
Similar system will most likely to be implemented to file removal procedures as well before the final release of PT 2007.
There was no error code display in the Registry Finder message box when I tried to remove some items -- see below:
: Failed to backup "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyberlink\MediaCache\Data2:\ANIME\Hunter X 3 - Greed Island Final 1.avi"!
: Failed to backup "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cyberlink\MediaCache\Data2:\ANIME\Hunter X 3 - Greed Island Final 7.avi"!
: All done! 0 B of data was removed (0 registry entries and 0 keys).
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The items have a nonstandard entry data type:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"C:\\ANIME\\Hunter X 3 - Greed Island Final 1.avi"=hex(44c),\
which Power Tools can not yet handle -- although the items can be removed (or added) with Regedit ...