You are wasting your time trying to give permissions to registry entries just so jv16 PowerTools 2007 can delete them. I have been through this before with Windows Vista for the last year and a half. Just add them to the ignore list and report these to Jouni so the program won't keep looking for these entries in jv16 PowerTools 2007 RTM. For some reason Microsoft does not want us users to remove these particular registry entries. I sent a bug report months ago to the Windows Vista Beta team about this and there is not much you can do about it now. Sorry dude!!
PS- You have to "Allow" everyone and every registry key. You have not tried hard enough to give full permissions yet it seems. After you do this PowerTools will find more stuff and then you might have junk for Windows Vista (not a finely tuned computer!!) Like I said above, you are wasting yours and Jouni's time telling him this.
I am using Longhorn Server Build 6001 now myself and jv16 PowerTools 2007 Beta 2. It works fine for me. I am not a "New User" as it says next to my name "Curt" - that's for sure!!