summer5610 wrote ...
Can I go ahead and fix/remove these? They seem to make up the most of the problems.
After I select the files, do I click "backups" next in order to get the next "prompt"? It's not a real user friendly interface, but I want to learn.
How do I know whether to "fix" or "remove"?
have you first of all let the program update the cache, so the performance of the registry cleaning is optimized?
the "normal" registry scan mode is recommended. "Aggressive" mode should only be used by advanced users. Although this scan method (aggressive) should be safe to use, it contains methods which can cause (minor) problems with some system configurations and third party software. If you do not have a good knowledge of the operation of your computer you'd better not use that method.
The Aggressive scan mode also clears all MRU (most recently used) data found in the registry. So, do not use that mode if you don't wish all the MRU data to be removed!!!
there's no need to click on "Backups" after the scan results are listed in the registry cleaner window. Doing so will only open the Backup Tool.
RegSupreme Pro automatically creates backups of all data you modify or remove with it. You can restore the backup files (and thus all the modifications) from the Backup Tool.
You can access that tool from the Main Window clicking the Backups... button from the lower right corner of the window or with the "Ctrl+B" shortcut key.
You can select all or some of the items (invalid registry entries) listed in the Registry Cleaner window after the scan is done.
You can select all the items by clicking on "Select" > "All" (or by right clicking in the window and choosing "Select all", or with "Ctrl+A" shortcut key)
You can select one or more items by highlighting them and then right clicking and choosing "select".
"Remove" allows you to remove the selected items. A backup of it will be automatically done before it, so you can later undo the changes with the Backup Tool
"Fix" allows you to fix the selected items. The fixing procedure first tries to solve the problem by automatically correcting the invalid entry. If that fails, it will remove the invalid item. Also the Fix feature automatically creates a backup of the items it modifies.
So, you should not be afraid to choose either of the possibilities "Remove" or "Fix" because backups are always automatically made and you can access them to restore within te Backup Tool.