On December 10, 2006 I bought jv16 and received in my e-mail, the license file as an attachment. I saved the license file in the jv16 folder as:
c:\Program Files\jv16 Power Tools 2006\License.xbin
When I start up jv16, I noticed it says:
*TRIAL VERSION* (30 days left)
I clicked the following:
License Information
Autofind a new licence
I got a message saying that the license file could not be found.
Then I clicked the following:
Install new licence
c:\Program Files\jv16 Power Tools 2006\License.xbin
I got a message saying:
Error! "c:\Program Files\jv16 Power Tools 2006\License.xbin" is not a valid jv16 Power Tools license file!
On the same day (December 10, 2006) I used the online form to report the problem. Now is 6 days later, and I still have not received a reply. How long do you usually take to reply?