A few days ago, I received a demo copy of another new registry cleaner that I'd not tried before, so I tried it out.
I've learned from experience that the best way to test registry cleaners is to first run the latest version and latest release of jv16 PowerTools. When everything is totally clean and fixed according to Powertools I then run the new registry cleaner and see what it finds over and above this already cleaned state.
Over and above PowerTools this demo cleaner found approximately:
* 10 ActiveX/COM (useless or redundant entries),
* 2 Uninstall (useless or redundant entries),
* 6 Shared DLL (unused entries),
* 130 File/Path (bad references),
* 15 Program Shortcuts (broken links), and,
* 705 Empty registry keys.
Whilst I understand the need to be careful in removing entries, which are apparently 'safe' but which may not be; nevertheless, I still find it annoying that PowerTooks doesn't at least point to them then let me make the decision (perhaps it should highlight such entries in red or something similar).
In the above example I spent at least two hours going though the results of this other cleaner and I found that most of the entries I would have removed myself. And in fact, I did remove about half of them before I got bored (it's very tedious checking so many entries manually).
(Moreover, to make sure that worthless registry entries weren't still pointing to unused program directories (or others such as \Program Files\Common Files or \D&S\Administrator\ Application Data\'program' etc.), they were removed manually to try and force the cleaner to remove them, yet often unwanted registry entries remained behind. Why is this so?)
My specific/main gripe is that say after both removing a program using its usual/own uninstaller then following up with PowerTools to cleanup the remaining junk, I often still find many dozens of entries referring to this supposedly 'uninstalled' program including obvious references to the 'dead' software in useless keys such as HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\'program name'. Why aren't such entries removed?
Clearly, PowerTools is making a definite decision not to remove obvious junk for some reason that's obscure to me.
In future releases, despite the developer's obvious concerns, would it be possible to obtain a complete list of worthless or unreferenced or unused registry entries and then let us users make the decision remove them at our own risk?
(Note: As I see it, it's too bad if unreferenced, yet needed, program entries are removed by registry cleaners, one can always reinstall the application if the program refuses to work. This is a much better option than having to do progressive registry backups (with ERUNT etc.) after every single program install then do registry compares later so as to find out what's going on.
What I want is for PowerTools to be an industrial-grade product where, after being adequately warned, I can override all or any recommended protections. I do this manually all the time now with considerable success. However, I need tools that will help me put some automation into this process. Programs that try to protect me from myself are nigh on useless for this purpose.)