Hello. It's been awhile.
Things that can happen while teh inital ""Working. This might take several minutes. Please wait..." message shows up:
A. Registry cleaner working outside its tab. Semi-reproduceable (needs odd timing ).
How to do it?
1. Open up RegSupreme Pro.
2. Resize the windows so that all tabs are in one line. (This step can be skipped. I do it so so that I can more easily click on the Registry cleaner tab, which we are after.)
3. We are (by default) in the "Installed Software" tab. DO NOT WAIT for the message "Working. This might take several minutes. Please wait..." to finish (the program scans the system, but we WILL NOT allow it)
4. Quickly jump to the "Registry cleaner" tab. You should see the windows that asks the user to use the normal method or the aggresive method (if this windows is showing up, it worked) Actually, if done fast enough the aggresive method should called "Deep" instead (probably some leftover message from a previous build, or a debug build. It should not be there!).
Quickly select deep/normal, and hit Start: you will see the app's scanning window working *inside* the "Installed Software" tab. No results (from the registry cleaner) are shown, though.
If you click on normal/aggressive you are more likely to see registry cleaner's results BUT in the installed software tab
5. You should see the scanning process take place where it shouldn't to begin with (in the "Installed Software" tab!).
What happens? One, the registry cleaner (the little windows that shows the scanning process is active) is working *but* we are in the Installed Software tab! (it's the active tab) Two, where are my actual registry scan results? (sometimes it will replace the installed software entries) Three, look at the tabs, they might have doubled (resize your window to see it better) See the tabs have doubled?! They do not go away with time, and clicking them have odd/no effect.
This doesn't seem like a bug per se, but a rather odd behaviour, which shouldn't not happen to begin with. I'm pointing it out despite the fact that the application asks the user to wait because no programmer/application should expect users to behave as expected. The program shouldn't allow the user to switch between the differents tabs anyway while the initial message is shown. It isn't proper. If you are telling me to wait, you should also prevent me from doing certains actions while waiting, that way you can prevent this kind of thing from happening. I did not, however, feel like seeing if the tabs issue affected the scanning process or the removal :/ (phew)
Misc screenshots of the issue:
B. Registry editor opens up. Reproduceable.
Just double click anywhere in the message itself, or in the grid windows and see Windows's Registry editor open up.
Both issues happen in WinXP, and WinME.
Thank you for reading, and happy debugging
PS1: anyone noticed how long RegSupreme Pro RC2 stays in memory after it's been closed?! A whole lot of time. It kept me away from opening up and closing the program more frequenly for testing.
PS2: the images have not been photoshoped or anything. They are for real.
PS3: jv16, do you need my system information? I can dxdiag'ed them here...
Edit: in italic.
Edit2: actually, you don't need to use the "Registry cleaner" tab. It happens with everyother tab I tried (at least on my WinMe machine). The results of the tabs are shown in the "Installed Software" tab.
Anyone can confirm this happens on your setups, either from macecraft.com or from regular board members?