buggage wrotetullik wrotePT ( already does the decryption and check for existence even if you don't check the MRU scan (just tried it on this Norwegian system which has never seen PT before ...)
Sorry, but I have to disagree with this statement. Tried it here using .334 and it does indeed list valid entries for removal - Actually it flags ALL of these entries as bad, so it would appear that no decrypting/checking is actually going on. Mind you it's not a huge deal, but why remove valid items at all? Shouldn't the registry cleaner only touch non-valid items?
That was .334 ... jv16 changed the behavior in .342 (& .344 of course) ... I don't mind having an option to remove what (in my usage) is useless debris.
With .344, I got 22 "File or directory "path" does not exist" type HRZR_ errors with MRU scan not checked. With it checked, I got 369 additional items called "Useless registry entry."
buggage wrotetullik wrotebuggage wrote ... I noticed that some of these entries which are deemed useless actually point to real files/locations, while others do not. MRU data or not, Whether or not these are used, the app shouldn't delete entries that are actually valid. ...
Trouble is a system stable for 2 or 3 years with turnover of many applications can have 10,000s of these entries ...
Right, so again, why not only delte the non-valid items? Surely the majority of them will turn out to be non-valid anyway. What's the trouble with keeping the left over valid entries?
I ran for about a month with UserAssist encryption turned off. Wound up with about 400 entries clear text readable -- "valid" but useless to me. Those who reported 1000s & 10000s of entries did not do a frequency analysis by type of "error" -- would have been interesting if they had ...
buggage wrotetullik wrotebuggage wrote ... I believe this would also solve the issue of wiping the frequently used apps list fromt the start menu. ...
With 344, it is now a user choice, so the Personalized Menus in the Classic Start Menu is also less of an issue.
I understand it's a user choice - and that's fine, but there's no need to disable it by default, if it only cleans the bad entries, right?
PT Reg Cleaner picks out the "bad" MRU and UserAssist entries whether MRU scan is checked or not. Having it off by default causes the "valid" entries not to show as "errors" -- if a user wants to see the "valid" but probably useless items, the choice is there. If these items were not shown as removal choices, the entire MRU scan option could be removed.