File Finder error detection/notification behavior with specific error producing conditions
Files with open handles:
Please see first post in this thread.
Read only files:
Tests 1 through 4, 6, 10 through 13, and 15 were performed against three read only files. The red observations are either outright bugs or inconsistentcies with open handle results that may indicate possible bugs either here or there ...
These tests were done on my desktop (see signature line).
Test 1 -- Remove button and backup=yes
a. -- "Error! Failed to remove ..." message for each of the 3 files.
b. -- the 3 files stayed on the list
c. -- rescan -- the files still existed
d. -- full backup occured
Test 2 -- Remove button and backup=no
a. -- same behavior as for files with open handles -- no problem
Test 3 -- More functions...Copy to...
a. -- function succeeded, no errors
b. -- the 3 files stayed on the list -- no problem
Test 4 -- More functions...Move to...
a. -- "Are you sure you want to move the read-only file ..." message for each of the 3 files -- then "Done!" popped up.
b. -- the 3 files dropped from the list -- no problem
c. -- did a rescan
Test 6 -- More functions...Mass rename... (Change requested: set ---> setx)
a. -- function succeeded, no errors
b. -- the 3 files on the list changed to show the new name
c. -- the 3 files stayed on the list -- no problem
Test 10 -- More functions...Wipe and backup=yes
a. -- no messages
b. -- the 3 files dropped from the list
c. -- rescan -- one file listed on the prior list still existed and was unchanged (per duplicate finder) -- a bug
d. -- there was no backup (not even an index.dat) -- a bug
Test 11 -- More functions...Wipe and backup=no
a. -- no messages
b. -- the 3 files dropped from the list
c. -- rescan -- one file listed on the prior list still existed and was unchanged (per duplicate finder) -- a bug
d. -- there was no backup (as expected)
Test 12 -- More functions...Move to recycle bin and backup=yes
a. -- no messages
b. -- the 3 files dropped from the list
c. -- rescan -- the files were gone
d. -- there was no backup (not even an index.dat) -- a bug
e. -- the files were not in the recycle bin -- a bug
Test 13 -- More functions...Move to recycle bin and backup=no
a. -- no messages
b. -- the 3 files dropped from the list
c. -- rescan -- the files were gone
d. -- there was no backup (as expected)
e. -- the files were in the recycle bin -- no problem
Test 15 (2) -- only one file selected -- More functions...Split... (1.44 MB 3.5"floppy -- Desktop target -- delete after split=yes -- Name policy-Part -- Simulation...did not show an empty list
a. -- Start button instantly produced the "Done!" pop-up
b. -- warning message about no backup -- the file stayed on the list
c. -- one "split" file appeared on the Desktop (too small to actually split - it was a duplicate with a new name)
d. -- there original file was not deleted -- a bug
End of File Finder tests for read only files