robmeyer wrote ... 1.Why no answer to my question of 10th of may: "To my disappointment I miss the scrolling of all lists by pressing a key !!
Will this be repaired ? In JV16\2005 this was present. "
2. why the searchfields are not emptied after closing.
Now we have to remove the former searchstring.
3. Opening the Registry Manager-Add/Remove the field stays empty until I have opened one of the other options of the RM.
Returning after that to Add/Remove all is well. Very cumbersome! ...
1. A bug or by design? -- jv has to say.
2. If you uncheck all three boxes or the second and third in the Settings...Preference saving tab, the searchfields won't be saved (that's what happens on my PCs anyway).
3. Doesn't happen for me -- must be a configuration triggered bug ... However, I did notice this behavior:
a. You turn off the Age/Comment feature, then at a later time turn it back on.
b. Registry Manager must be started twice to recognize the change (for Add/Remove -- didn't check the other tabs).