Some interesting PT main window behavior ...
My Language menu only shows in about 1 out of 10 PT launches, so I set up this test to see if there was any pattern. Note: works in XP Pro, may not in other OSs -- test was done on my desktop PC.
Preexisting conditions:
1. Manualy resize the PT main window so the visible icons just fit, then close PT.
2. Check the taskbar properties "Group similar taskbar buttons" and "Show Quick Launch" and then click Apply.
3. Start task manager and click the performance tab.
4. Position a win explorer window on the PT Settings directory and sort "Date modified" so the most recent date/time is at the top.
5. Put a PT shortcut in Quick Launch (if you don't already have one there).
Test procedure:
1. Click on the PT Quick Launch icon and observe the main window. Don't actually ask PT to do anything.
2. Repeat 1 as many times as you like (or as many times as your machine's resources allow) -- now and then, do some of 3 through 6.
3. Click View...Refresh in the win explorer window and resort the "Date modified" column.
4. Observe whatever interests you in the task manager window.
5. Right click on the PT taskbar button and chose "Close group."
6. Start at 1 again as often as you like.
7. Click View...Refresh in the win explorer window and resort the "Date modified" column -- only Windows.dat has changed.
8. Open Windows.dat with notepad, resize the notepad window so only the "Mainform" settings are visible, drag the window to a convenient spot on your screen, but don't close it.
9. Repeat 1 through 8 as often as you like.
10. End of test.
1. The PT language menu only appears in the main window about 1 out of 10 PT starts -- there is no discernable pattern.
2. Sometimes the PT window appears not as resized, but with extra white space -- again, there is no discernable pattern.
3. Only the Windows.dat file in the Settings directory changed during the test (based on the "Date modified" column in win explorer). It changed when the group was closed. Sometimes it did not change then -- apparently when the size matched an optimizing size calculation in PT.
Questions for jv16:
What could account for the apparently random changes in the main window size?
What could account for the apparently random appearance/disappearance of the Languages menu?