Copying Tullik's idea : . Prior commenting the bugs, I would like to say that the program was tested on my Win98 SE computer, so it could be possible that most bugs are inherently caused by the nature of this SO. That is, these bugs could be caused by the SO, and not by the program, so if you're using WinXP and you didn't encounter these bugs, you know why. Note that this is not an exhaustive test, only the results of testing the unfixed bugs since my last report and the new bugs surfaced during my normal usage of the program. Let's get on with the bugs.
Software Manager
Both the "Custom Uninstall" and "Uninstall" features keep crashing the program as always. Jouni told me that no one reported this bug, but could anyone who is still using the Win98 SO test these features on his/her computer?
Past betas reported about 172 entries in the list, just like PowerTools 1.5.1. The different final versions released 'til now improved this number, but it still doesn't achieve a similar number (.337 lists 85 entries). This bug was fixed in RC2, but was broken again in RC3. And, unlike RC1, deactivating the "Age" system doesn't list more entries.
A HKCU configuration entry is not being displayed correctly. The registry stores the entry as "PC Wizard 2005", but PowerTools cuts the "Software" string to "2005" only.
There are several registry entries which installation paths appears as "N/A", although they have the "AppPath" entry in its registry key. These are the entries:
1. BlueJ (Inno Setup)
2. Total Uninstall (Inno Setup)
3. Wallpaper Changer (Inno Setup, this one lists its webpage as the installation path)
Highlighting a random entry and then trying to scroll through the list using the arrow keys is impossible. Pressing the "Down" key reverts the highlight to the first entry, and then, you can scroll the list without problems. Pressing the "Up" key does nothing. This problem is also present in the "Registry Manager". Could this be a side-effect of the sort problems fix?
Startup Manager
Highlighting an entry corresponding to an already running process and then clicking in one of the menus make the menu remain on screen only a few seconds. Same thing happens if you call other windows from within this tool and you click on their menus. Can anyone confirm this, please?
Registry Manager
The "Refresh current section" option doesn't work. I deleted an entry with RegEdit, clicked on the function and went to eat. When I came back, the entry was still there. So the screen wasn't refreshed. Can anyone confirm this?
File Organizer
Clicking on an entry in the proposed list with the left button doesn't select the clicked entry, remaining the focus on the current entry. I suppose this is by design, but I want to be sure.
The results proposed by the Artificial Intelligence engine are very awkward. Some examples extracted from my music collection:
Guns N' Roses (Directory)
AC DC - Big Gun.mp3
AC DC - Highway To Hell.mp3
Guns N' Roses - Civil War.ogg
... some more tracks by Guns N' Roses
Joe Satriani - Big Bad Moon.mp3
Natalie Imbruglia - Big Mistake.mp3
Pink Floyd - The Great Gig In The Sky.ogg
Street Fighter III New Generation - Breathe Again (Theme Of Ken).mp3
... some more tracks from Street Fighter III New Generation
Crash (Directory)
Crash Test Dummies - Mmm, Mmm, Mmmm, Mmmm.mp3
Feeder - Crash.mp3
Foo Fighters - Best Of You.mp3
Activating the "Never mix files with different extension" makes strange things as well. It only creates three directories, one for MP3 files, another one for OGG Vorbis files, and the last one for MPEG-4 files, which goes by the name "Feeder" by the way, instead of the file extension of its files, since most files in this directory are from this band. And during the creation of the proposed directory structure there's no movement in the progress bar.
File Tool
Could you add a tiny recycle bin icon in the "Mass renamer" tool just like PowerTools 1.4? I find difficult to delete the string "buttons" from the window tool.
The "Convert case" tab from the mentioned tool has a button named "OK". I think it'll be better to have one named "Add", just like in the other tabs.
Directory Finder
Searching for directories with a size between 0 and 0 bytes still doesn't work.
Directory Tool
The window has an empty column everytime you open it or you search for some directories.
I suspect that this empty column is causing the other columns to not automatically resize themselves when the search has ended.
History/MRU Cleaner
Seems that the Wordpad plugin needs some "BaseValue" information to list any entry, since it reports 0 entries in my computer, although the "Key" especified in the .dat file contains 3 entries.
Backup Tool
I've noticed that in the "Custom restore" feature, most of the times changing from the "Header file" tab to the "Registry entries" or to the "Files" tabs, the columns of these two tabs don't automatically resize themselves.
The list can only be sorted by the "Size" column. That is, clicking in the other columns sort the entries according to the reported size of the entries, instead of taking into account the real sort order of the clicked column contents.
By the way, it's only a curiosity, but, does PowerTools support Unicode natively?
EDIT1: Reworked the code structure a bit. The post now looks more "professional" :