jv16 PowerTools 2006 hangs (not)
To contrast with this -- I did the following observations on my notebook when PT did not hang when started:
1. I let PT run for about two hours
2. TaskSwitch.exe (a Microsoft Power Toy) showed two jv16pt.exe tasks
2a. When I switched to one, the main window had focus, and it was fully
responsive when clicked
2b. When I switched to the other, the main window had focus, and it was also fully
responsive when clicked
3. Process explorer nt and task manager showed PT using 1 to 15% of the
single cpu for about two minutes
4. Then PT spiked to 50 to 75% for a few seconds --
this pattern continued every two minutes for the whole two hours
5. During each spike, PT accessed an apparently random HKCR key and,
at the same time, a key in HKCU, usually in HKCU\Software\Classes --
they were not the same ones each time
6. No PT access to BackupPruning.dat was observed
7. PT had about ten active threads the whole two hours
8. PT could be ended in the normal fashion