charles Hello Forum, How do you know what to delete in Shell Ext, it just states unknown, is it safe to delete all. Charles. :?
redseujac Sorry, we encountered an error while displaying this content. If you're a user, please try again later. If you're an administrator, take a look in your Flarum log files for more information.
charles Hi Redseujac, Thanks for the quick reply.Is there no way of telling what is what, what would happen if i delete something wrong. Charles. :?
tullik Sorry, we encountered an error while displaying this content. If you're a user, please try again later. If you're an administrator, take a look in your Flarum log files for more information.
charles Hi Tullik, In shell ex under ( command line ) it just says unknown,can you delete theses. Charles.
tullik I do not know what your unknown items are. I would not delete anything if I did not know to what application or program it belonged.