I got the file "jv16pt_setup.exe" from your site. Installed it. Started it & it asked to create a snapshot which it did ok. Then I tried to have it backup the default checked registry, The 'fuel gauge' went to 100% after aprox 3mins. but never finished. The taskManager showed it useing 11% cpu with brief spikes of 97% and it just kept takesing more & more memory.. After 10mins it took all the VM & I got a system requester telling me VM was low & it was going to make more. My default VM is 2gig !
I had to force the program to quit. I then uninstalled it & got the file "jv16pt_setup_hb.exe" from your site in hopes it might be different but ended up doing exactly the same..
I am running XP(sp2) w/1024ram on a 3.2ghz Prescott cpu
whats going on ? ?