bester Upon clicking the start icon it reads: "internal error: program failed to initialze, Code: 01 debug date: true, true, true, true, the program will now close. This happened after installing sp1 (rtm) for server 2003.
bester appears this problem may be related to windows dep (data execution prevention). I disabled this and it seems to work.
blackdex I Tested this under Windows XP SP2 with all the latest updates. And it doesn't has problems with DEP enabled under Windows XP. Ill try to test it under Windows 2003 also to converm the problem :).
bester Sorry, we encountered an error while displaying this content. If you're a user, please try again later. If you're an administrator, take a look in your Flarum log files for more information.
jv16 We haven't tested the product under Windows Server 2003 so I don't know, but some anti-virus products too sometime can cause our products not to start correctly.